Fashion and textiles is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Every stage in a garment’s life threatens our planet and its resources.
Chained to the supply aims to shine light on what really goes on behind closed doors in the fast fashion industry. Highlighting unethical and unsustainable practices we often overlook when buying our cheap, throwaway garments and accessories. This project aims to change peoples minds about fast fashion and generate a more thoughtful conscience consumption.

Paper clothing made entirely from brown paper.

Close up of the swing tag.

Text from the swing tag.

Inside the kit boxes. Each kit box links up to one of the garments allowing you to make your own version at home.

An image from the photo shoot done with models Cathy and Jacob

Image of the set up - paper clothing, truthful wash labels and kit boxes.

Close up of the text on some of the labels.

Labels getting read.

Taking the labels and clothing out to Edinburgh Princes street for a guerrilla campaign to see the type of relationship people have with the fast fashion industry and their clothing and accessories.